Friday, February 21, 2020

Experimentation In 3D

The Portrait of a manic mind - Through the years I have tried to wrap my mind around so many things. From video to cutting cardboard and all the computer programs to design and produce, 3D was one of those things. Back in 1999 I had discovered a program called Poser, inside of Poser you could import 3D models and construct 3D scenes. At first you were limited by the power of your computer and back then they were not very powerful or at least the one I had wasn't. My renders back then were not very impressive. But I was intrigued, so I kept exploring the 3D arena. Soon DAZ 3D came into the picture and my exploration took off. Now so many things were possible. My computer was stronger and DAZ 3D was provide absolutely amazing 3D models, props, lighting, cameras and other environment building elements. I could spend hours a day on the computer. The time would pass and I would not even realize the length of time I had spent. So many days building and then rendering  scenes that were amazing me. The little clip above was made after I had loaded a lip-sync program and some great new 3D clothes for my models. I tell you this scene took hours possibly 16 hrs. The set up can be lengthy along with render times. When this scene was rendered and I sat down to watch the video I was excited. The moment I heard my 3D model sing, that I had just spent hours building the scence and then hours waiting for the computer to render it - I tell you it was emotional watch her come to life, moving and singing - I cried with pride, I was so amazed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Awken The Creative Chakra (The Second Chakra) Oh Many Pardon Me Whom...

cre·a·tiv·i·ty ˌ

krēāˈtivədē/ noun noun: 

creativity the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. synonyms:inventiveness, imagination, innovation, innovativeness, originality, individuality; artistry, inspiration, vision; enterprise, initiative, resourcefulness "her agency is a hotbed of youthful creativity"

The Second Chakra is sometimes called the Sacral Chakra. It is located along your spine about 2 inches below your belly button. It deals with issues of self-worth, creativity, relationships, pleasure and sexuality and it is blocked and weakened by self-criticism and guilt.

Okay, if you believe in Chakras or not awakening your creativity for some may be a daunting task. So what do we do? How do we achieve this sometimes intimidating endeavor? Well let's break it down. What is creativity?

For some it is seen as only accomplished through the creation of something - i.e.: creating a piece of art, writing a poem, or writing a book. But does creativity have to always be so large? Of course not, we can be creative in our daily living. For instance, we will start with waking up. Sure there are ways of being creative first thing in the morning. Look at Pee Wee Herman. Okay bad example, but we can use our alarm clocks in a creative way.

What if your snooze button were connected to your bank account? OMG say what? Would you go broke? What if you are donating to a charity of your choice when you hit snooze? That is where The SnūzNLūz comes in. The concept is simple whenever you hit the snooze button The SnūzNLūz will take a portion of your hard earned cash and send it to a charity. Hhmmm, sounds like that would make you happy to be sleeping more and giving more? Well that is where the creativity comes in. You select a non profit that you hate. 

Common Usage Suggestions:
  • Are you a butcher? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to PETA
  • Are you a republican? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the ACLU!
  • Are you a land developer? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the Wilderness Society!
  • Enjoy your freedom? (Blue state version) Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the GOP. or
  • Enjoy your freedom? (Red state version) Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to MoveOn.Org
  • Are you a hippie? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to the American Coal Foundation.
  • Are you a Ninja? Set your SnūzNLūz to donate to, yrrra, we can't find a Pirate Charity at the moment. But there must be one...somewhere...anyways, the point is it's easy to setup once you identify your enemy!
Right on, now that you are awake how to continue on this path of being creative? In a study published in the journal Thinking and Reasoning last year, researchers Mareike Wieth and Rose Zacks reported that imaginative insights are most likely to come to us when we’re groggy and unfocused. The mental processes that inhibit distracting or irrelevant thoughts are at their weakest in these moments, allowing unexpected and sometimes inspired connections to be made. When Sleepy People’s “more diffuse attention focus,” daydreaming, leads them to “widen their search through their knowledge network. This widening leads to an increase in creative problem solving.” When you intentionally give yourself time NOT to tune in - to your meandering mind, you give yourself the surprising solutions it may offer in creative problem solving - a daydream believer - yep (nods).

Well at least I got you out of bed. If even it was to stir at the walls. Alright lets get moving. Is it coffee? Or are you 'oh no' tea is for me? However you look at it morning does require means of replenishing your body's resources.   Want to be creative? Dandelion Root Coffee already.

Dandelion greens are finally getting farmer’s market attention for their natural detoxing properties. (Kale can kinda hog the spotlight.) But don’t let the root go to waste. Healthy food gurus like Elana Amsterdam say they’ve got a solid track record in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine as a liver cleanser to blood-sugar balancer. And unlike coffee which can give you the shakes, this tea will help you keep your cool.

Oh now that is more cool then creative, moving on. No matter how you regenerate you can add creativity into the mix. Creative Fuel is focused on using the creative process itself as you would any tool—with practice—so you can experience the art of producing your best, self-expanding ideas.

We can look to James Webb Young's theory of 5 Simple Step.

Young’s Simple, Five-step Process

“This technique of the mind follows five steps. I am sure that you will all recognize them individually. But the important thing is to recognize their relationship, and to grasp the fact that the mind follows these five steps in definite order—that by no possibility can one of them be taken before the preceding one is completed, if an idea is to be produced.” ~ James Webb Young

  • Gather Raw Material—Curiosity and the patience to browse are two noticeable characteristics of highly creative people. Use resources on the Internet to collect and keep tabs on your musings.
  • Digest the Material—Absorb everything and practice critical thinking. Consider how different elements can inform each other. Link the specific facts to broad human experiences. Try Mental Notes.
  • Unconscious Processing—Let your unconscious do the work while getting into something fun! Go for a walk, ride your bike, take in a museum, meet a friend for lunch; turn to whatever stimulates your imagination.
  • The A-ha Moment—The connection is made! The idea is formed! It may wake you up out of a dead sleep, so keep your notepad handy.
  • Idea Meets Reality—Set your idea free into the wild! Be open to all feedback and learn from the criticism. You might have to adapt and rework, but that’s all part of the process.

Steps 1 and 2 can and should be woven into your everyday. Always be on the look out for inspiration. When it comes time to dream up a creative solution, use the rest of the steps to help turn your gained knowledge into your next big idea.

Ready set GO... now with creativity firmly initiated into to your day you are ready to see the world in new and creative ways. Go get them tiger. Some people say kill them with kindness - let's kill them with creativity.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

WHO? What? Doctor Who's TARDIS - Where?

Why hello there, anyone up for a little treasure hunt  - a little WHO Hunt as it were - courtesy of the Internet? Who wants to find Doctor's Who's TARDIS? Oh why, I was certain that you would. Okay let's go find us a TARDIS, here we go.

If we go to google maps and type in the following location: 

  • 236 Earls Court Road W.8, Kensington, London SW5 9AA, UK. 

Then click on any of the three street views. You are able to look around as if you were there. By moving our mouse around we can look at different locations in the street view - did anyone find the TARDIS? 

Okay, now that we see it does anyone want to take a look inside? Why I thought that you all would, after all we have come this far. 

Alright now, walk around about with your mouse. As we move our mouse around we see some directional icons (circle with arrow and some Xs) in different locations. We want to activate one of the Xs. Oh man we are so close, are any of you excited? Oh man, here we go - when you have the tall poll next to the two bicycles and light post in view. Try and have the X next to the tall poll active. Do you see the X appear? When you do click on it

Gobsmacked - we are inside!

Oh my what an interesting adventure - I hope you all have fun on your exploration of the inside of the TARDIS. Oh whats that I am being called away. Farewell, I am signing off now so I will be seeing all y'll sometime in the near future. <Cut and fade>

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Movie Night - YAY! - Lights, Cameras, No Cash and No Hits - WHAT?!?

Dude! Hey fellow surfernauts, have you been wanting to plan a movie night and invite a bunch of your friends over for a fun night of movies and revelry? But you don't have any new or interesting movies in your collections. You were thinking of going out on a retail hunt to find a gem to show for your main feature, but when you check your cash flow; well you're stopped dead in your tracks. Never fear, the answer is here - why not swap a DVD you currently own and don't want with a DVD hit you do want? 

Well now there is a website devoted to exactly that. A site called Swap-A-DVD has now come to your rescue with thousands of members wanting to do the same thing. Here is what Swap-A-DVD says about how to swap DVDs: 
  • You have original, playable DVDs that you do not want to keep. 
  • You post those DVDs to your "DVD Tower" to offer to other members. 
  • After you have posted the first 10 DVDs to your DVD Tower, you get 1 "gift" credit from SwapaDVD to get you started swapping (limit one per household). 
  •  After that, you earn credits by sending out DVDs to others. 
  • You may order available DVDs for 1 credit per disc (some DVDs do cost more than 1 credit), plus a Swap Fee of $0.49 per item (no matter how many credits are in the item). 
  • If you want a DVD that is not currently available you can place it on your Wish List and we will notify you by email when it is available for you to order. 
  •  You can even have it sent to you automatically when it becomes available, with no email necessary. 
  • When a DVD is requested from you, we notify you by email, provide the address for you to send it out, and even provide a wrapper with postage printed on it if desired! 
  • Wrap and mail your DVD. 
  • When the requester receives it, you earn 1 credit per disc mailed. Yes, you pay the postage to send out your DVDs, but when you request a DVD, the sender ships it to you and you pay 1 DVD credit (some DVDs do cost more than 1 credit)! 
  • The DVDs you receive from SwapaDVD are yours. We hope that you will re-post them to share with other members when you have viewed them, but you can certainly keep them, or give them away. Similarly, the DVDs you send out to others belong to their new owners. SwapaDVD is a great way to share DVDs with people all over the country!
What an inexpensive way to expand your collection and to find the gem for your up and coming movie night. I also see that they have similar programs for used books and CDs. So there you have it a inexpensive way to expand your media collections and to find those little gems you were looking for. Have fun swapping my little surfernauts and start that corn a poppin.